Search J & A Abroad

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Homeward Bound... a heartwarming story about a gang of lost pets, trying to make their way back to their beloved owners.  Michael J. Fox stars as the voice of Chance, the happy go-lucky young golden retriever who adventures across America with the experienced Shadow and the family cat, Sassy (voiced by the talented Ms. Sally Field)...

...But homeward bound is also, probably more importantly, our current state (in fact, we're writing this from the Seoul airport).  Our first flight from Bangkok to Seoul, South Korea departed at 11:40 pm on Friday, December 2nd.  After a thirteen hour layover in Seoul, and a nice lunch and an afternoon with our friend Dmitry, who we met in KL, we'll be on a second plane - this one headed straight home.  The Seoul to Seattle leg leaves at 7:10 pm on Saturday evening, and we arrive home around noon...on Saturday.  We love a 30-plus hour travel day that gets you to point B just twelve hours after you left point A.  We're magic!

The last eight months have been an amazing adventure.  They have sped by, but at the same time Osaka feels like it could have been last week.  We'll probably add a few miscellaneous posts we've been working on after we get back, but this marks our last post from the road.  We have tried our best to take you along for the ride, but we look forward to filling the gaps soon in person!

Thank you for reading and traveling along with us when you could.  We are grateful for our friends and family back home and we couldn't have taken off without the help of our support team (AKA our parents and close friends) who took care of the small and large things out of our reach while we were on the other side of the globe.  We cannot wait to get back into the swing of things and catch up with all we have missed with each and every one of you. The last eight months have been a blast, and they wouldn't have been as good without loved ones to share it with!

Cheers and we'll see you all soon,
J & A

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